Masterclass Growth Series
Background :
Venture – humans taking risks, exploring uncharted worlds for fame and glory since the days of Marco Polo and Vasco da Gama.
The entrepreneurial spirit we know today as startups. A perilous journey that Bezos and Brin undertook, making them multibillionaires.
There’s no hard-and-fast rule in business—whatever we start doesn’t always go UP. Coherence between action and vision determines value creation, not just valuation.
This Masterclass shares a responsible fundraising path for early-stage startups.
Content :
This Masterclass explores:
1. Startup Ecosystem 101 – Understanding the startup ecosystem
2. The X-Factor – Defining your value proposition
3. Plan to Win – Building a rock-solid business plan
4. Pitch Perfect – Building a great pitch deck and story
5. The Numbers Game – Highlighting key financial metrics
6. Valuation Decoded – Simplifying valuation methods
7. Equity Equation – Structuring the right equity offer
Who should attend :
Everyone's either starting up or already in the game.
Pembicara : The Fei Ming
Tanggal : 17 April 2025
Waktu : 09:00 - 15:30 WIB
Venue : Hotel Santika Premiere Slipi
contact : 081998891119