Kontan Academy

Demystifying Valuation
Demystifying Valuation
Demystifying Valuation

Demystifying Valuation

The Fei Ming
Hotel Santika Premiere Slipi
14 November 2024

Masterclass : Global IPO Series

Background :
Value lies in the eye of the beholder. It is derived from what someone’s willing to pay for something.
Value is indeed subjective, yet a discerning connoisseur can fairly differentiate the worth of Dali from that of Degas.
A reasonable valuation is key to making unbiased judgments about how much something is worth.
In this Masterclass, Fei Ming unveils practical Valuations to separate Jewel from Lemons.

In this Masterclass, Audiences will learn:

  1. The Essence of Value
  2. The Logic of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation
  3. The Case of Relative Valuation
  4. The Rule of Leverage
  5. The Role of IPO Valuation

Bonus: The Perspective of Minority / Control in M&A Valuation

Who should attend? 

Management and sponsors of public and private companies with an interest in valuation.

Pembicara : The Fei Ming

Tanggal : 14 November 2024

Waktu : 09:00 - 15:00 WIB

Venue : Hotel Santika Premiere Slipi

contact : 081998891119
Rp 2.800.000