Investor Series | ART
Background :
Two sides of the same coin, art and investments - they both craft value.
Artists are the subjects of art. They master both style and medium: Harlim’s expressive watercolors, Rothko’s abstract oils, and Koons’ pop art sculptures in metal. Through their vision, they reveal art, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Yet, as Warhol famously said, “Making money is art… and good business is the best art.”
So, is art the ultimate investment?
Content :
- From MoMA to Tate: Appreciating Modern and Contemporary Art
- Understanding the Latest Global Trends in Art
- Exploring Art as an Asset Class
- Understanding the Risks and Rewards
- Strategizing Your Investments in Art
Who should attend :
Art Lovers and Investors
Pembicara : The Fei Ming
Tanggal : 12 March 2025
Waktu : 09:00 - 15:30 WIB
Venue : Hotel Santika Premiere Slipi
contact : 081998891119